Your favorite platforms, integrated for effortless SEO article generation

WordPress Integration

Coming soon

Shopify Integration

Connect your Shopify store to C4Blog using our app and publish the articles you generate with a single click.

1 - Sign up and log in on

2 - Add the C4Blog Shopify app to your store.

3 - Launch the app from your admin area of your store, you will then be redirected to the site.

4 - If you weren't already logged in, you'll be asked to authenticate to link your store to your c4blog account.

5 - If everything went well, you should find your store in the settings of your dashboard.

6 - Once you have generated an article, you can publish it on the blog of your store using the Shopify action button.


We provide webhooks so that you can automate the publication of articles on your site.

1 - Start by configuring the webhook reception url in the settings of your dashboard.

2 - Then use the webhook action button to perform the article sending.



parent_id id of the main article for a translation, cocoon or silo

child_type 0 for a single article, 1/2/3 for silo or cocoon subarticle, 4 for a translation
